05 June 2005


Today, we had a dress rehearsal for our show up in Vancouver. It was a little tiring, but I think the musicians had a very good practice. The dancers....well, let's just say there's still room for improvement.

Although I've been up there many times, and I've been part of the the KP shows for the last ten years (can't believe it's been 10 years already!) I think I've been to more KP shows than some of their own alumnis. In fact one of the other alumni's pointed out that I'm not even considered a guest artist anymore. I'm just part of them now, albeit 1000 miles away. Anyways, I still get excited everytime I go up there, I guess you can say that it's my third home (P.I. and the U.S. being the other). I can't wait to go up there and hang out with everyone again. It seems like it's been ages since I went up there.

Well here's to good times and I shall post about the adventures up there when I get up. Ciao for now.

1 comment:

R said...

I agree, maybe you should become a duel citizen or something.

Here's a quick little test to see if you've become canadian yet.

-do you say please and thank you all the time?
-do you say 'eh' alot?
-do you complain about american beer?
-do you put mayonaise on everything including french fries?
-do you crave poutine?
-Do you order a pint as opposed to a 'large' beer?
-Do you know how far a kilometre is?

I can't think of anymore. If you answered yes to even a few of these then I estimate that your assimulation is comeing along nicely. Rhoel.