16 December 2004

What's on?

Thursday nites are usually rondalla fraktis nites so I don't get to watch tv. But now that we are on hiatus for the rest of the year, I'm here at home, flipping through channels not knowing what's showing. I actually have a bit of withdrawal from not playing music, I mean sure I can play with my octavina here at home by myself, but it's just not the same. I don't have the rhythm of the guitars and bass to accompany me, neither are the melodies from the bandurias. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to figure something else out.

Hmmm maybe I can ask Gary if I can get a copy of the music from the concert. It would be nice to listen to it while I tackle the neverending gridlock on the freeways.

Oh well, maybe I'll just put on a DVD, maybe I Robot or Collateral. Oh well.


Fish on Dudes!

1 comment:

Gary said...

I was thinking of posting them so you guys can burn your own copy :-)