29 November 2004


why is it that when you go into Ikea planning on buying a $50 side bed table you end up walking out of there with $300 worth of merchandise. Man, I gotta stop going there, I'm broke as it is and here I am buying things that I think would look "good" in my bedroom. I swear I'm not going back there until after x-mas, or at least until I've finished buying people's presents.

Today was a good day at work, very minimal happenings, just BLAH.

It was good to see the Laxa's last nite. It was funny watching AJ run and slide across the floor in the family room.

I also saw National Treasures over the weekend. It was actually pretty entertaining and a pretty good movie to watch if you have time to kill. It wasn't spectacular or anything like that, but it wasn't bad either.

That's all for now

Fish on Dudes!


bev said...

is National Treasures anything like 'Angels and Demons'? I want to see that! bev

Big Sexy said...

It's not quite like it, not a whole lot of murder and violence, although the genre is pretty much the same.
Think Conspiracy theories-esque