28 November 2004

Stuff, Stuff, and more Stuff

I just got done cleaning up my old room and my new room. (Switched rooms so that I will have more room for my junk) All I have to say is, you don't really know how muck crap you have until you start weaning out things to be either donated or thrown away and you end up working a sweat just walking up and down the stairs with it. I tell you (probably Laurie and Ledge too) that I have a LOT of STUFF, I managed to cut it all down to a very manageable pile and good thing too. I can donate a lot of clothes and that would mean I'll have more things to write off and claim come tax time. WOO-HOO. Maybe I'll get a big enough check that I can put it on a down payment for either a condo or a new ride. Probably a condo or townhouse will be good.

Well, the Laxa's are here to take me to IKEA and the Emeryville outdoor mall.

'Til next time

Fish on Dudes!


Mighty Mom said...

tell us where you're donating it, so if we have an '80's party, we'll know where to get the mustard blazer!!!! hehhehee

Big Sexy said...

whatcha tawkin bout. That blazer has been framed and will forever hang in the MIAMI VICE wall of fame.