19 July 2004


Last nite, after Likha practice, some of us went over to Gary and Bev's house to check out their new and improved master bedroom, courtesy of sensible chic.  I must say the room was really nice and the color was different compared to the all whiteness of everything else in the house.  Overall I give it a 9 out of 10.  Just got to find out when they are going to air it on HGTV.
On a diferent note, it felt real good to play music again, especially with Likha, although I do have one thing that's bugging me, and that's the percussion play last sunday.  Talk about miscues, wrong rhythm and timeing and flatness.  I thought that they would be a lot better than what I heard last sunday.  Oh well, I guess I shouldn't be too upset, after all I was on an extended break from the group and I don't think I have the right to get upset about the music. Although I'm still dissapointed.
P.S.  Some people have expressed that maybe my comments about being dissapointed with the music was a little harsh.  That was not the intent nor was I in any way looking down on the musicians, I guess I'm just a liitle passionate about how the music should be played and I guess this passion sometimes tend to get me in trouble.  I guess I just had a lot of expectations, especially with the people that were playing that day.  If I offended anyone in anyway, I do apologize.  Again I shouldn't criticize since I haven't been around all year.

Fish on dudes!


Anonymous said...

Hey boss, thanks for joining us last sunday. As always, it was a treat to play with you again. I wish you'd report for duty more often. =)

In defense of the percussion crew, last rehearsal was our first practice of tribal suite in 2 months, and our first this year sans Mr Cruz. Additionally, some of the choreography is new since then. Given that, I'd say we did a tremendous job. We are only at the beginning of charting the musical course of the show, and I expect each proceeding rehearsal to be better than the last.

And remember that we all respect your musical opinion very much. So when you're in the studio with us, feel free to speak your mind. When you're in the trenches with us, you, like everyone else, absolutely do have a right to have an opinion about what we're playing. We can't improve unless everyone is openly communicating these things to each other.

But if you won't _say_ it, then _play_ it. At least then we can get an idea of what you think the musical layout should be. Few could argue with that -- cuz we trust you enough to listen.

Anyhoo, sorry to disappoint. I promise it only gets better from here. And you can expect me to seek you out on musical ideas in the coming weeks. Don't i owe you a guitar lesson or something? ;)

rokk on,

bev said...

hey why only 9 out of 10, where's the other point? :) bev

Gary said...

I'm glad you liked our place! Remember to bring your hard drive on Thursday :-)