28 June 2004


I went to Lake Berryessa last sunday and attempted to have a peaceful day of fishing. But as soon as we got there (we=me, my friend Phil and his brother Mike) I realized that we are fishing on a saturday during the summer season. Sure enough as we tried to fish this one stretch of Putah Creek, ski boats, jet skis, pontoons, you name it were just bussing by and it was hard to keep our boat steady as there were waves coming from every direction. Needless to say I didn't catch a damn fish, Not a one.

Oh well, time to give up fishing this summer and wait 'til fall when boat traffic dies down a bit.

On a sadder note, I found out as we were leaving the lake that a boy drowned while swimming in the lake. Preliminary reports indicate that he probably cramped up and drowned soon after. May god bless his soul into heaven.

Fish on dudes!

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