30 August 2006

Day three

Today was an exciting day, not only have I gone through two days of training and my trainer hasn't given up on me, I get to pull a double combination today. What's that you ask, well in plain english, I will be pulling two trailers that are connected by a dolly.
At first it seemed like a daunting task, I was nervous as I never have driven something that had an overall length of 70 feet, let alone one that has 2 pivot points. Talk about freaking out, I was never this nervous since the sixth grade when I met a girll named.......oops, thats another story for another time.

Anyways, so I proceeded to go around downtown Rohnert Park, through Petaluma and then got on the 101 freeway towing these trailers. After a while, it didn't even feel like I was towing anything, I was driving along and nothing was fazing me, until it was time to downshift, then my head started playing tricks on me, I started to panic a little bit and ended up rushing through the whole process that I douldn't get iti into the right gear. Talk about frustration. After the ride, my trainer asked me what happened to my down shifting he said that at the first half of the ride I was doing it well (I didn't even realized that I was) then he said towards the end I ended up not paying attention to the tachometer and that's what screwed me up. Oh well, at least he hasn't thrown the towel in for me.

Tomorrow, I work on my backing skills, which according to a lot of drivers is the one thing that will test your patience and will frustrate the heck out of you (unless you're a natural at it, which I'm not)

Truckin' On!

1 comment:

VirtualErn said...

Just like in that Miller High Life commercial, watching that neighbor struggle to back his boat into the driveway. :)