20 February 2005

Tired and other tidbits

This past week had been challenging at work, but I managed to get through it and glad that it is over. The safety fair went well, although participation wasn't as high as I wanted it to be. I think the rain had something to do with it. Man it's been raining like crazy, feels almost like you're in Vancouver or Seattle.

Anyways, yesterday I went with my good friends, the Davids, for a little table and bench shopping. We ended up going to Brentwood in order to get the bench that they were looking for and to Pittsburgh to pick up the table. Now if you're not from California, you would not be able to fathom how far this trek is. For you Vancouverites, it's like going to Langley and Crescent Beach (originating from North Van) and picking up the aforementioned items, all in one day. Now that's a lot of travelling. But at least it was spent with family.

I have relatives, from the P.I., that's staying with us right now. It's good to see them, since the last time I saw them was 8 years ago. My cousin is as tall as me now, and that's pretty tall for a pinay, (at least in my family)

I'm debating if I want to go to practice today. Hmmm, maybe if the rain would stop I will.

Oh yeah, my Bass guitar came, WooHoo, now I can really start learning how to play it.
Although Ernie says I throw him off during practice. I need to stop adding stuff to whatever it is that I'm playing. Sorry Dude, My Bad.


Mur said...

So, that's what you were doing at Guitar Center

bev said...

now that you have a bass, you're bound to go to brazil. no excuses!

mrs cruz said...

I know what you're talking about the travelling bit... I can relate in both places! hehehe...
Cool bass!