28 February 2005

The Oscars are........

Last nite, I was trying to watch some of the highlights of the Oscars, and all they could talk about was who designed this or who designed that. Check out how the lapel is different on this tuxedo as opposed to "regular" tuxedos. I mean c'mon, I think it just went a little over the top. I mean, I don't mind if they interview you about your career and how much it means for you to win or not win an oscar nomination. I mean, we (whether we like it or not) still have solders out in Iraq whose life is still on the line defending their warped president's view of world terror. I mean these soldiers are watching these highlight interviews and instead of hearing how these thespians feel about their nominations, all they are asked are, who designed your clothes, where did you get your jewelry and by whose design is it.

I just think that the fashion at the Oscars are way overrated and just seems to keep reminding every "middle-class" citizens what things they ARE NOT gonna be able to have. I mean who wants to buy a half sewn backless gown for $6000 just because it's designed by someone named Wang or Lauren.

Support the Troops!!!!!!
Peace (hopefully sooner than later)

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