25 January 2005


Today, for some unknown reason, my cellphone decided to die and now I can't even turn it on, even when plugged in. Audiovox by Qualcomm sucks, their phones do not lasts long. This is the 2nd phone that I've had from this company and I tell ya, I should've learned the 1st time when the phone died after a year. This last phone I had died after 6 months.

Now I have to get another phone,now that's another expense that I really cannot afford. Is there no end to the madness. Maybe I can go back to the good old days of no cell phones and just go through life without one. What do you think?


Mur said...

I always say that technology brings us a step backward sometimes. I feel paralyzed without my phone. I don't even use my phone at home!

bev said...

you should go and complain and maybe they'll give you a new one.

it's hard to live without a phone!