28 November 2005

Thanksgiving Holiday.

Thursday, a lot of my relatives came over the house for a late lunch. It was really nice to see some of my cousins as we all are living in different places now (SoCal and NoCal). It was especially nice to see my niece/god daughter Alexa (yeah I have 3 god daughters and 2 of them are named Alexa) She was so cute, albeit a little grumpy in the beginning as she just woke up from her nap ride in the car.

Friday I get a phone call from Ledge at 3:45 AM!!!!! Asking me if I wanted to go shopping with them in Roseville, WTF!!! I don't even wake up that early to go fishing. So I politely declined and aptly went back to bed. I did get up at 5:30 to try and go to Target to get a couple of things that I was eyeing. I got lucky, since I wasn't there to clean out the store I managed to be in and out within 15 minutes. The rest of the day I just lounged at home, even took a 4 hour nap. Finally some rest.

Saturday I hooked up with the David's and went to the outlet stores in Vacaville, where I ended up buying a shirt and running pants from Nike (like I run). And a pair of shoes from Rockport. Afterwards we headed back to Vallejo and just relaxed.

Since there was no practice, I decided to continue my holiday shopping, this time heading out to the Napa store outlets, with the David's and the Laxa's and a couple of other friends. I did some damage on this day as I bought 2 pairs of shoes from Cole Haan, a couple of sweaters from BR and a travel wallet and some shoe care products. Then I went to Old Navy and bought outfits for my nieces and nephews so at least I got them out of the way. All I have left now are the god children. Afterwards we had some good old fashioned rib eye at the David's residence. Good eating with good friends equals good times. Now my stomach hurts...uugghh.

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