31 August 2004

been awhile........

The last few days had been probably the most stressful of my life, my Grandmother has been in the hospital for about two weeks now, she was having kidney failure so her body was starting to shut down, so the doctors decided to make her go through dialysis and it seems to be working. She is still a little weak but at lest she is able to eat food now and seems to be a little more energetic, thank the lord.

My mom and sister is in town too for various reasons, and it's good to see them.

The show is in a week, I'm screwing up my end of the music and I don't know why I'm having mental block as far as playing is concerned.

Work sucks because we are having all kinds of problems with the new system that was put it 2 months ago. Actually it's a combination of the system and the people that was entrusted to see it through. Can you say don't care about the employees. But I digress.

Hopefully things will get better and maybe I can have some piece of mind, at least for a day.

Fish on Dudes.


Mur said...

I'll be praying for your nanay. The other things will fix itself in due time. Just take one thing at a time and things will take care of itself. I'm here for you if you need anyone.

double R said...

don't stress, everything will work out in the ways that they are supposed to do. i'm thinking of you and your family.

Mel said...

Hope your nanay's feeling better. Mine has the same problem, but she's doing ok for now. Take it easy.

Gary said...

Hope your Lola get's better. Just remember to stay positive.