20 September 2005


To all you people that have called me a blog slacker (ok just Bev). The only reason why a post just came on today was the fact that blogger.com has been going cuckoo lately. For whatever reason, I couldn't published (or save for that matter) any entry for the last 4 days. So there ;p

anyways, last saturday, i went fishing and man was it tough. i caught a total of 2 bass. I mean we were marking them but they were lockjawed. Oh well, at least I had fun.

Last sunday, we had practice at Bev's parent's garage and Ed and I were commenting about how it feels so "barangay-ish".
You see, Ed and I used to be part of the Barangay dance troupe and we used to practice in people's garages back then. I guess you get spoiled after practicing in a studio for the last 13 years or so. Oh well, we found an interim studio 'til the end of the year. What a relief.

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