23 May 2005

Since Bev called me a slacker.........

This past week has had a lot of things going on.
Last thursday we had a mini concert at the Asian Art Museum. It was ok, even with the "minor" glitch we had with one of the songs. Crisper came from Vancouver for the weekend and she was there to watch us (eventhough she was suppose to play and her name was even on the program.) (Hmmm she never did say what her excuse was for backing out). It was really nice to see her, too bad I never got the chance to hang out a lot more. Maybe next time.

Friday we had our usual rondalla practice and it was fun. We went over our usual warmups and some of the songs for the upcoming show in Vancouver, including the new Jota Nuevo that our friends from up north composed. It sounded pretty good, I think we'll get it down after a couple of rehearsals. (Bummer that I won'tget to play it though, because they want me to be their tech director for the show :( )

Saturday, I had to help Ledge move some of his furniture into his brand new house. Now the problem was that it was so DANG HOT, and there was only 3 of us doing the moving. You would think that for someone who has a bazillion things that he would hire movers. But I guess thats Ledge for ya. But it's all good, I'm always willing to help out a friend, even if it kills me physically (read: really tired) By the time we were finished moving, building furniture and stuff it was 10:45 pm and i was pooped.

Sunday was our usual practice, the dancers need to work out some more kinks to get ready for their performances. The musicians just needs to focus and stop screwing around a lot (ok, I meant, I need to stop screwing around a lot). Afterwards we all went to Sinugba for some good eating and a goodbye get together for Cris. It was good food and I can't believe that Ernie ate most of the chicharon bulaklak j/k.

Today work was just blah. Nothing special. Well it's time for the season finale of 24 so gotta go.

Later peeps.
(good enough for ya Bev? ;p)


bev said...

yes, thank you and keep up the good work :)

cristina said...

don't worry we'll party it up here in the 604! come by and watch my show at the paramount, LOL!!!!

see ya soon!

Mel said...

Cris - paramount?!?! What'd I miss???

Big Sexy said...

You should've seen her routine, she whowed it to me the sunday before she left. I can't get it out of my mind ;p

R said...

Isn't the Paramount an upscale strip club In New Westminster???? Interesting.....Rhoel.